Sobre a Neuropsicóloga Larissa



Atendimentos realizados

Famílias transformadas

Sou Larissa Claudino, psicóloga e neuropsicóloga apaixonada por ajudar as pessoas a compreenderem melhor a si mesmas e superarem desafios. Minha trajetória pessoal e profissional é marcada por resiliência e pela capacidade de transformar adversidades em aprendizagem, o que me permite acolher e compreender profundamente cada história que chega até mim. Especialista em transtornos do neurodesenvolvimento, como TEA e TDAH, meu trabalho é guiado pela escuta empática, ciência e uma visão humana, sempre buscando criar um ambiente acolhedor e respeitoso. Acredito na força das intervenções em saúde mental para promover mudanças significativas na vida de cada indivíduo, nas famílias e na sociedade. Minha missão é estar ao seu lado na construção de caminhos para uma vida com mais equilíbrio, autonomia e bem-estar.

Saiba mais

Explorando intervenções personalizadas para neurodesenvolvimento e bem-estar.

A young child with curly hair and a blue bow, wearing a white shirt with a bright yellow butterfly design and patterned yellow shorts. The child appears focused on an object in their hands, set against a neutral, earthy background.
A young child with curly hair and a blue bow, wearing a white shirt with a bright yellow butterfly design and patterned yellow shorts. The child appears focused on an object in their hands, set against a neutral, earthy background.
Terapia Cognitiva

Intervenções baseadas em TCC para diversas idades.

A young child with long blonde hair sits on a chair, wearing a green shirt. The background is a plain gray wall, creating a simple and neutral setting. The child is looking to the side with a serene expression.
A young child with long blonde hair sits on a chair, wearing a green shirt. The background is a plain gray wall, creating a simple and neutral setting. The child is looking to the side with a serene expression.
Análise Comportamental

Aplicação de ABA em contextos clínicos e educacionais.

A small child is playing with objects while leaning against a chair. The child is wearing a striped shirt and patterned shorts, and appears focused and engaged in play. A woven mat and other chairs are also visible in the scene.
A small child is playing with objects while leaning against a chair. The child is wearing a striped shirt and patterned shorts, and appears focused and engaged in play. A woven mat and other chairs are also visible in the scene.
A young child with short, blonde hair is looking downward while holding a blue pacifier in their mouth. The background is softly blurred, with warm tones creating a cozy atmosphere.
A young child with short, blonde hair is looking downward while holding a blue pacifier in their mouth. The background is softly blurred, with warm tones creating a cozy atmosphere.
Neuropsicologia Avançada

Avaliações e diagnósticos precisos para transtornos do neurodesenvolvimento.

Acompanhamento Terapêutico

Suporte contínuo para o desenvolvimento e bem-estar emocional.

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

A Larissa é uma profissional incrível, sempre atenta e dedicada ao bem-estar dos seus pacientes.

J. N.

Two adults kneel on a green carpeted floor, each assisting a toddler in standing or walking. The children are exploring textured surfaces made of various materials. In the background, shelves contain bins and a wall displays photos.
Two adults kneel on a green carpeted floor, each assisting a toddler in standing or walking. The children are exploring textured surfaces made of various materials. In the background, shelves contain bins and a wall displays photos.

Agradeço à Larissa por sua ajuda e apoio, transformou minha vida e trouxe esperança.

M. C.

A person wearing glasses and a shirt with the phrase 'Mental Health Matters' printed on it stands against a dark background. They have long, wavy hair and are wearing a green cardigan.
A person wearing glasses and a shirt with the phrase 'Mental Health Matters' printed on it stands against a dark background. They have long, wavy hair and are wearing a green cardigan.